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Wonder where I've been??

Writer's picture: SandraSandra

Updated: Oct 3, 2018

Wow! It's been over a month since I've posted anything. So much has changed in my world it's hard for even me to keep up! This might get lengthy so get comfy! Where do I begin........

Well, I suppose I'll start with Troy graduating from high school!! My baby is finally finished with the horrible thing called school (his words, not mine!) It actually kinda blows my mind that someone could hate school the way he did and still graduate Magnacumlaude & also win a first merit award in fine arts!!

He is planning to get his first job ever, this summer! Should be interesting to watch! ;o) Then it's off to CCAD in August.

We are living with my in-laws for the time being. It's not as easy as I had originally thought it would be! Not because I have horrible in laws, it's just weird having the feeling that you are imposing on someone elses' space all the time. We are waiting patiently for MJC to finish our house, but they are moving at a snails pace!! Below is where we are now.

I feel like we are in the home stretch, then at times, feel that it's so far away! I've been told it goes pretty fast once the drywall is up. So here's to our new house getting done and us moved in, hopefully before Troy leaves for college!

Then I have my sweet daughter, Caitlin who will be 21 this coming November. And she decided to tell us she wants to change her Major again!!! UGH! Needless to say this didn't go over very well with us. This is when I think, tough Love is going to play a role in our relationship. I am not going to let her quit yet another thing in her life. She tends to like to "get going, when the going gets tough" and I'm putting a stop to it now! And she isn't real happy with me at the moment. She has such a talent with this culinary course and we think it will be perfect for her in the future! I can hear everybody saying"but it's her life" not yours! And sometimes as a parent I believe you gotta know when to step in & help guide them. Nobody knows your kids like you do and this is something I know I have to step in.

I'm still loving my Scentsy journey! It's a little bit harder trying to really dive into it and do a good job while living at my in-laws. I have stuff everywhere and trying to remember where I put everything is not easy!

Something new that I've started are the mystery Scent boxes! They seem to be a hit so far. Who doesn't like a surprise in the mail, especially one with Scentsy products inside! Email me if you want to try one....subject :Mystery box please! And I will send you details!

Well, I need to get off here for now, thanks for taking the time to stop & read this not so exciting blog!:o) LOL

Have a wonderful week!!


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